
Each rule will need a viewlet that provides feedback about why a person cannot post. The code for each viewlet is relatively simple:

  • Each viewlet inherits from RuleViewlet, and

  • The weight for each viewlet is taken from the weight for the respective rule.

For example, the viewlet for the Blocked from posting rule is as follows:

class BlockedRuleViewlet(RuleViewlet):
    weight = BlockedFromPosting.weight

The viewlets appear in two places. First, they are shown at the bottom of the Topic page if the person viewing the page cannot post. Second, they are shown in the Notifications.

Abstract blase-class

The rule-viewlets typically inherit from the RuleViewlet abstract base-class.

param group

The group that the viewlet is for

RuleViewlet is an abstract base-class for viewlets that display rules.


The weight (sort-order) for the viewlet. Sub-classes must implement this property.


True if the viewlet should be shown. Read only.


The CanPost instance for the current user and the group. Read only.


The user that the rule is for. Read only.